When preparing to sell your home, proper staging is critical. Selling a cluttered home is often difficult because potential buyers have a hard time envisioning the space as their own. Consider these 10 tips to help make the staging process more efficient.

  1. Reduce the amount of furniture in the house. This will make each room appear larger, allowing people to visualize where they will place their own items. If possible, move bulky exercise equipment like treadmills and ellipticals.
  2. This may seem obvious, but be sure to keep all high traffic areas tidy.
  3. Keep only essentials on kitchen counters. Clear away paper clutter, and donate or dispose of magazines and newspapers that are no longer needed.
  4. Eliminate excess items from bathroom counters. Find a temporary home for jewelry, perfume, and rarely used toiletries.
  5. Pack away nick knacks and extra photos around the house. Clean bookcases and organize books neatly on the shelves.
  6. Use cable catches to organize unsightly wires around televisions, computers, and end tables.  
  7. Donate or sell extra shoes that take up space in the foyer or mudroom areas.
  8. Remember to always put away dirty laundry and make the beds before showings. Clear out as much clothing and excess linens from closets as possible.
  9. Consider storing deck furniture and any non-essential outdoor gear to enhance the appearance of the yard.
  10. Remove any junk or extra boxes, etc. from the garage.

Following these tips will put your home on the right track toward selling quickly. Consider a temporary storage unit as an option for items that you want to hold on to for your next home. A climate-controlled unit is recommended, as fluctuating humidity levels can potentially damage items such as art, fabrics, electronics, and furniture. The Storage Guy offers multiple storage possibilities from small 5’x10’ mini-storage locker units to large 15’x50’ storage unit condos that are efficient, affordable and created to meet your needs and budget.


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